How to Sell Yourself | inglés de negocios

One of the best ways to achieve your objectives as a professional is to help others to know about your accomplishments.

JA del Castillo, one of our students working on selling himself in English


Never shy away from selling yourself confidently. That of course does not mean you should be arrogant, but unless you are able to talk about whatever goals you have achieved they might not be interested enough in you.

It does not matter how old you are, or your experience. Surely you can think of many occasions where you did something great as a professional, or a student, organization member or as dad/mum.

If you tell us about your accomplisments, that will give us a little bit of an insight about your values and personal profile. Your value as a candidate for a job interview might be judged based on how well you can explain and sell your accomplishments.

Do you need a hand selling yourself better in English? Do not give up! Do you understand? It can be done.

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