How long have you … ?

¿Cómo usamos ‘How long‘ con el Present Perfect? Let’s rock ‘n roll!



Cuando quieres preguntar desde hace cuánto tiempo ocurre algo, utilizamos la estructura:


how long + have + sujeto + complement



How long have you worked in Glasgow?


¿Cuánto tiempo hace que trabajas en Glasgow?


¿Vemos algún ejemplo más?


Peter is in Brisbane

How long has Peter lived in Brisbane?

They have been married for 40 years

How long have they been married?

My brother is the MD

How long has your brother been the MD?

I have a human resources company

How long have you had a human resources company?

Nieves works in translation

How long has she worked in translation?

I have known Nigel for five years

How long have you known Nigel?



Si te damos las siguientes frases, ¿podrías hacer las preguntas correspondientes con ‘how long’? Escribe tus respuestas en un comentario al final de este post:

  • You know about this issue
  • She works in finances
  • He is complaining about our lead times
  • It’s an ongoing problem we have to deal with
  • We sell shedloads of references to the Asian market
  • They are asking for a price reduction

lOVE, actually ♥  Modo Imperativo En Inglés The Passive Voice in English   I’ve never, ever   Artículo Cero   Predecir lo que va a ocurrir   Te lo juro por Snoopy   Visión y Misión U24business   Entrevista con Jennifer Aniston #video   Financial English #1 | Términos #InglésFinanciero   Los verbos modales en Inglés   Both, Neither, Either Telephone Vocabulary

2 comentarios en “How long have you … ?

  1. R You know about this issue
    She works in finances: how long hace you Work in finances? J
    He is complaining about our lead times: what about si he complaining?
    It’s an ongoing problem we have to deal with : what is hapening?
    We sell shedloads of references to the Asian market: What ado you sell?
    They are asking for a price reduction: what are they as Ming?

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