How do you feel when you realise it’s Friday? You’re almost done for the week! 

It’s the final push before the weekend.

TGIF, aside from being a restaurant franchise, is also a happy expression to celebrate the last day of the working week.
So guys, what are your plans for the weekend? TGIF!!
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BTB Episode 01 | Accent and Stress

BTB Episode 02 | Why the Long Face

BTB Episode 03 | By the Skin of your Teeth



¿Realmente sabes usar ‘This’ & ‘That’? #Gramática #inglés

This / That – affirmativeu24business Tongue between your teeth


Suena como la segunda “d” de “dedo”. La pronunciación es algo así como “dzis” and “dzat”. Pero recuerda, es una “dz” sacando la lengua entre los dientes.


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BTB Episode 01 | Accent and Stress

BTB Episode 02 | Why the Long Face

BTB Episode 03 | By the Skin of your Teeth

BTB Episode 04 | A No Win Situation

Formación de inglés para empresas

Exclusivo Club para profesionales en Málaga

Inglés Online

BTB Episode 04 «A No Win Situation»

What does «A no win situation» mean?

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