To have something done

Usamos la estructura ‘to have [something]’ + participle’ muy frecuentemente al hablar inglés de negocios ¿Quieres saber cómo lo puedes utilizar en el día a día de tu empresa?



Diferentes usos que le damos:


1- Cuando vamos a hacer algo

2- Cuando vamos a encargar a alguien que haga algo, pero no queremos entrar en más detalles.



We are going to have the warehouse refurbished | Vamos a reformar el almacén.


La estructura es simple:

Sujeto + ‘to have’ en el tiempo verbal que queramos + sujeto + participio pasado del verbo principal


Más ejemplos:

  • Inma usually has her hair done at that place  | A Inma le hacen el pelo en ese sitio)

  • Will you have the truck checked before the MOT? | ¿Llevarás el camión a revisión antes de la ITV?

  • We’re having the orders delivered by DHL | DHL nos hace los envíos

  • Will you have those issues sorted before Christmass? | ¿Te arreglarán esos temas antes de navidades?

  • Have everything arranged by the end of the month, please | Encárgate por favor de que todo esté organizado de aquí a fin de mes

  • I’d have the client informed if I were you | Yo si fuera tu me encargaría de que se informara al cliente

  • We didn’t have the customer checked before opening the account | No se comprobó el cliente antes de abrirle la cuenta



Construye frases con los siguientes conceptos y escríbelas en un comentario al final de este post.

  1. nos limpian la oficina
  2. nos recogían los residuos
  3. nos recogen la documentación
  4. nos van a construir un edificio nuevo
  5. se va a organizar una nueva reunión
  6. encargamos el desarrollo de un nuevo proyecto hace un par de años
  7. a ella siempre le reservan las habitaciones
  8. me robaron el coche


Haz una prueba de nivel ahora mismo

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12 comentarios en “To have something done

  1. We have the office clinned twice a week
    We had the rabbit taked all days
    We had the document taked every week
    They will have the buid constructor next year
    We have metting organizated soon
    WE had ask new project years ago
    She had ever room reserveted
    I had the car stouled

  2. 1. We have the office cleaned by them.
    2. We had the litter taken by them.
    3. We had the documentation taken by them.
    4. We are having constructed a new building.
    5. A new meeting is going to be arranged.
    6. We had order the development of a new project to you two years ago.
    7. She always have the rooms reservated by someone.
    8. I have my car stolen.

  3. We had cleaner the Office two times a week.
    Their are going to New builder had building.
    Their had take the documentación.
    The teachers had prepear a new mitting.
    She had reserv always the room’s their stolen the car to me

  4. Who have our office cleaned?
    We had our rubbish picked up by xxxxx
    We have our documentation picked up on tuesta y
    We are going to have a new building built
    They are going to have a New meeting set
    We had a new proyecto arranged two years ago
    She always has rooms booked
    I have my car stolen

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