Making inquiries | Pedir información

What phrases can you use when you want to make inquiries?

Useful Phrases

– I’m interested in…
– I’d like some information about …
– I saw your brochure about adventure holidays and I’d like some more information.
– I’m writing/calling to ask about your prices.
– I’m writing/calling regarding…


Asking For More Information

– Can you…
– Could you…
– Would yo be able to…
– It is possible to request…


Writing Tips

1. Keep it simple
Write in short sentences, with one idea per sentence.
2. Use «please» and «thank you»
«Please» is at the beginning of the sentence («Please can you confirm…)
«Thank you is at the end of the enquiry (or you can write «I look forward to hearing from you»


• Write an example of how you would ask for a list of ‘room prices’ for a hotel and post it as a comment at the end of this article.
• With a partner practice a customer/receptionist scenario in a bank where the customer wants a credit card and the cashier asks for financial information.
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