Commonly confused words list

Would you like to know the meaning of all those words commonly confused?


word 1 meaning word 2 meaning2
adherence (to belief etc) adhesion sticking
admission (general meanings) admittance right to be admitted
adverse unfavourablee averse opposed
affect cause a change in effect bring about
alternate one after another alternative available instead
ambiguous (statements, etc) ambivalent (feelings, etc)
amend change emend alter (a text, etc)
amoral having no moral sense immoral not conforming to moral standards
appraise assess the quality of apprise inform
avoid keep away from evade avoid by guile
biannual twice a year biennial every two years
censor act as censor of censure cricise harshly
climactic forming a climax climatic related to climate
coherent logical and clear cohesive sticking
complacent self-satisfied complaisant too willing to please
compose constitute comprise consist of
continual happening constantly or repeatedly continuous going on without a break
credible believable credulous too ready to believe
decided unquestionable decisive conclusive
definite clear and distinct definitive decisive, authoritative
defuse remove the fuse from, reduce tension in diffuse spread out, not clear or concise
deprecate disapprove of depreciate lower in value
discomfit disconcert discomfort make uneasy
disinterested impartial uninterested not interested
enormity extreme seriousness, grave crime enormousness great size or scale
especially in particular, above all specially for a special purpose
exceptionable open to objection exceptional unusually good
flaunt display ostentatiously flout disregard (rules, etc)
fortuitous happening by chance fortunate happening by good chance, lucky
flounder (of a person) struggle or be in confusion founder (of an undertaking) fail or come to nothing
gourmand glutton gourmet food connoisseur
illegal against the law illicit not allowed
imply suggest strongly infer deduce or conclude
impracticable not able to be done impractical not practical
incredible not believable incredulous unwilling to believe
ingenious well thought out ingenuous innocent, honest
intense extreme in force or degree intensive thorough or concentrated
interment burial internment bing interned
loose not fixed, unfasten or relax lose be deprived of or no longer have
luxuriant lush luxurious comfortable and rich
masterful powerful, domineering masterly highly skillful
militate have force (against) mitigate make less severe
observance keeping a law or custom etc. observation perception, remark
occupant person in a vehicle etc. occupier person living in a property
official having authorised status etc. officious aggresive in asserting authority
perquisite special right or privilege prerequisite (something) needed in advance
perspicacious having a ready understanding, perceptive perspicuous clearly expressed
pitiable deserving pity pitiful causing pity, contemptible
practicable able to be done practical effective or realistic, (of a person) skilled at manual tasks
precipitate headlong, to rush headlong precipitous abruptly steep
prescribe recommend with authority, issue a prescription proscribe forbid or condemn
prevaricate act evasively procrastinate defer action
purposely intentionally purposefully resolutely
refute prove to be false repudiate reject or disown
regrettable causing regret, undesirable regretful feeling regret
sensual gratifying the body sexually sensuous gratifying the senses as distinct from the intellect
sociable friendly and willing to mix with people social relating to society
titillate excite pleasantly titivate adorn or smarten
tortuous twisting, devious torturous causing torture, tormenting
triumphal done or made to celebrate a victory triumphant victorious, jubilant after a victory
turbid (of a liquid) cloudy; confused turgid swollen or congested, tediously pompous
unsociable not willing to mix with people unsocial socially inconvenient
venal open to bribery, corrupt venial (of a sin) minor

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